03 May 2009

Look Mom ! I Got An Extra “A”

Hello everyone and I am really sorry (to anyone who still reads my blog) for posting this late. This was supposed to be in April but I got busy with some stuff and as you can see I missed.

As children we all wanted that our report cards showed nothing but “A” grades and nothing less and if possible an “A+”. Many will agree that they want to be in the top notch and its just not studies that I am talking about. All of us would have and still would do anything to say that sentence to our parents and watch them swell with pride, not to mention a boost that it would be to their egos as well as ours. I feel that this urge for and extra “A” has gone beyond grades and seeped into our vocabulary as well.

As an Indian I feel truly hurt when we ourselves malign our heritage. I don’t know the exact cause of this but it seems that we still want the admiration from the west or should I say we are wannabe (as far as the languages are concerned). Before you read any further I suggest that you pick up that old Hindi dictionary that might be infested with termites or if that is already received its final rituals go and buy a new one (alternatively you can get and online Hindi dictionary too...thank god for making people who made Google).

You would certainly not defer that “Yoga”, “Rama”, “Krishna”, “Karma” and many other words like these belong to Hindi’s treasury. Now can you tell me what are those extra “A”s doing in those words? Its:

Yog : conjuncture which truly describes the union of mental and physical self

Ram : Before diving deeper...I should ask, Do people say “Ram Naam Satya Hai ” ? or “Rama Naam(a) Satya Hai ” ? and some people say (Satyaa...remember that Ram Gopal Verma movie and more recently that Pepsodent Ad ?) Well Lord Ram’s was an Avataar of Lord Vishnu and His name has been derived from Lord Vishnu and Agni.

Krishn : dark/dusky coloured

Karm : action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation.

So people nowadays don’t do Yog they do Yoga. It seems doing Yog is not only harmful but so “middle class” and they would be looked down upon in the society if they did that. Its actually a status symbol of you do Yoga. The Gods or at least the learned men who wrote the sacred scriptures must be wishing that shouldn’t have written those texts and epics which was supposed to guide and enlighten the generations to come had they known it was to fall into the hands of descendants who can’t even pronounce the name of their Gods correctly. What is even more shameful that we take pride in using the same words even though its the west which has moulded them to suit their tounges. Anything that is from India is supposed to be shipped with an extra “A”.

The point of writing this short article is that my dear friends if we don’t stand up to the world and tell them what is correct who will and if this continues it wouldn’t be very wrong to say that we are already on the path of losing our identity. I ask you what is stopping us from doing so? Heck ! we are the ones who gave the world Yog which has made the likes of Madonna, Ricky Martin, Gwyneth Paltrow, Meg Ryan and the list is endless.

So next time before you do Yog or go and pray to Lord Krishn do Analyze Thisa !... Oh ! Sorry I mean...Analyze This !

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